I am pissed and bored of this fucking place, the stupid office politics that I try to avoid, and just make all the right noises when I get people moaning to me about shit, I keep telling them I am only a fucking freelancer, and I am doing all I need to do and I dont think I will be here any longer. ROLL ON MAY 6th!!!!!!!
I watched Pay It forward last night and cried from start to finish... A great film a must see for all who have an ounce of altruism in their body.
ok here are my latest purchases which I love

Umbrella by Fulton the royal appointed umbrella makers

Dress By Dotty P
I am not going to wear them together obviously!!! But I would love some shoes that look like the dress or better still plain pink I already have a plain round toe black that looks gorgeous.
I also tried to invest in a super duper sized sports bra for my humungous boobaloobs and it was so big I sent it back as a food hamper.
Tallgirls.co.uk great site back in the day... but now I must admit I think their clothes are average quality wise and also fashion wise not great, the clothes look like they should be sitting in a second rate shop in a really run down area where the owner is trying desperately to sell the last of his stock to anyone who will buy but with counter productive high prices.
I cant tell you the amount of time I have had to send their clothes back for poor quality....... maybe us tall girls are not that picky as when I complain they always say " oh we have never had any issues in the past"... Well fuck me with a feather, that really makes a difference to my opinion doesnt it dear!!!
Whilst I am on a rant, I have realised I would make a SHIT PA as I cant see why I should have to make tea for my boss!!! for instance this company I work for now, the director has a fully equipt kitchen in his private office that is located on its own floor almost like a HUGE loft conversion but he insits on calling upon people ( mainly me) down stairs to make him tea and take it up the rather dizzying flight of stairs just so he doesnt have to go to the next room to make it himself.
GET A FUCKING GRIP!!!! And while ya at it get yourself a wife who doesnt bully you then maybe you wouldnt feel the need to assert your authority at work. DICK WAD.
And on that subject.......I think every company exec has been giving a secret book when they are newly appointed in director-dom on how to pilfer and fiddle the tax man and have numerous companies all in different names and even going so far as to send mail to an address just so that they can look as though they are doing work for an external entity. I am not clued up on maths and the such but summin is really weird when you get to that level in business especially the 'Old Boys club' types, can we say MASONIC LODGE!!!!
And while I am at it why do royal mail insist on fucking up your packages that have the huge red and white FRAGILE tape all over it. I now have to go through the pointless task of trying to claim for an umbrella bought on eBay for £6.50. FUCKING HELL.
They say that swearing is a sign of the unintelligent but who gives a flying red arsed monkey!!!!
And just before I leave..... I have been coming here to this company for almost two years, more on then off and I have decided I am not coming back EVER!!!! Infact if things get really bad I am more swayed to selling my Lesbian arse on eBay to the highest bidder male or female before I consider coming back here.