It's been an age since I last posted, I have been trying to get well and sort my life out.
I decided one morning that I was not going to give up, something amazing happened which i am not yet ready to talk about but it has changed my life, a stranger has basically touched my life in a away that i never thought was possible and since then i have been up and handling life as I should be.
OK so where to start....
The pain is not as bad in my neck the MRI showed that I have inflammtion in my vertebrae but that it should settle down soon, my depression is under control and I am feeling better than normal, however the noise in my head is still there but i am getting used to it, they think i have vibratory tinnitus.
I am up and about and doing things again. Not working yet but that is because i have had a lot of things to handle.
I had a really deep conversation with STUD one day and she told me the truth about myself as she knows me, which was very spot on, good and not so good, the conversation ended in her giving me some advice that was obvious but i had kept putting it off.... I needed to do a job that was giving back to society and the people in it. She suggested I look at youth support work and mentoring. Something inside me just clicked.....I felt elated and happy all at once and the following day I called the local councils adult education team and have an interview to train as a counsellor in january .....not only that I have contacted the Albert kennedy trust to see if I can help mentor and befriend any young people that maybe in crisis during my training they also train too.
I have also decided that looking at my own life as empty is very real but that is only because I have not felt like i am doing enough for others, when i evaluated everything in my life i realised that the signs have been there for many years that I should be working with young people. I just didnt get it, I got caught up and blinkered.
I have been meditating too and trying to find my centre and since then I have met amazing people and also things seem to be falling into place, the course interview is in two weeks. I have also met someone who is in that line of work and is one of the top child psychologists in the country and she has taken me under her wing as she is setting up a very specialist child centre in the UK and has asked if i would like to help out with some things and in return she will help guide me with my courses and hands on training when needed. More about her later ;)
Then yesterday, i got a letter in the post stating that i was to be at the hospital that day for a pre assesment for surgery... i thought NO WAY THIS IS A TYPING ERROR... i called them and it turns out that they only posted it on friday 14th and yes indeed i had to be there at 14:50 yesterday... so i rushed and got dressed and headed down there in shock..... i didnt think it was going to be so soon.
I got there and was assessed and all is well i went to the admissions department for an appointment for surgery and guess what.....They had a cancellation and I am having it done ..........on MONDAY 24th DEC. Yes MONDAY COMING... Oh my fucking GOODNESS!!
I was in no doubt i wanted that appointment, i am not bothered about it being xmas eve all the more reason to relax :)
So...... all is going well I am on a real HIGH not the manic kind the kind that makes you feel like everything is working out now....I have this stranger to thank as well as myself for getting things back in order and giving me hope again.
I am off to get my hair done, my eyebrows waxed, my legs done and pedicure/manicure and all this as I have a work xmas Do tomorrow that i have to attend, Life is good. Fate has brought me where I am today and I have to be grateful..... and thankful.
I wont ever give up again... I now know something i never knew before..... Faith inside is what keeps people going not the external faith in something that you cant see or prove.... God is inside each and everyone of us and sometimes we have to just LET GO and allow things to unfold and if that means that like me you have to shut yourself away, stop feeling, stop participating until you GET IT then so be it, i now know i had to have that "shut down" otherwise i would not have opened up to certain people in my life and got answers.
I would not have had the most intense conversation with my mother about faith, her special gift ( she is a psychic/medium) and my own fears and outlook on life, having THAT talk with her showed me that i made many assumptions about my mum and how she handles things... I assumed that she was not able to sort things, i assumed she was not able to advise me on anything i didnt know, i didnt ALLOW her to be a parent to me in my adult life......since i had this conversation with her i have not felt that pressure and worry about her, as i listened to her more and saw that she is not worried about life and has so much faith and her gift allows her to stay calm, i neednt worry so much about her.
I also wouldnt have met this stranger who has touched me in the most remarkable of ways i cannot describe. FATE does exist... i didnt really believe it before but now........i am blown away.
Since then I have cleaned my house from the ceiling to the floor, i have chucked old things that i was holding onto for sentimental reasons that i didnt need, i got rid of cards and gestures from Ex's, that emotionally was holding me back, i cleaned the ENTIRE Flat leaving no stone unturned, I threw out in one night 14 rubbish bags of old stuff that i didnt need, i have donated more than 50 books to charity, I have got on my hands and knees and scrubbed rugs and upholstery, thrown out old tins of paint, and everything and anything that i just didnt need any more and especially stuff that if i hadnt used it in a year then i would never use it....
Everything from papers to pins are neatly ordered into boxes and tubs labeled neatly. No cupboard has escaped me even the one under the sink and the junk cupboard outside... they are all gleaming with the smell of antibacterial spray and freshness......
I am making room in my life physically and emotionally for a new begining, for new people, for new potentials..... and the house is only a symbol of me..... emotionally i have let go of pain and disappointment in my past, i have released expectations of myself other than those to constantly be a good person to my self as well as others.... I have vowed to nurture myself and my own gifts and talents and .....ME... just being ME... and realising and acknowledging that being ME IS good enough.
My mum said to me the other day... faith is like a pet or a child... you have to nurture it, water it, feed it and give it constant love and affection to see it grow, then one day it will be strong enough to do what needs to be done,... THAT she said is Faith..... everytime you beat yourself up you are not nurturing you, FAITH is YOU. So when things dont go according to your plan unless you ahve nurtured Faith you wont feel the real effects of it to carry you through, much like looking not after your body and expecting it to perform at the drop of a hat.
I have liked that analogy and decided that I will no longer beat myself up about things but as long as i can say i made the best choice i could with what time and skills i had then.....that has to be enough. I HAVE TO BE ENOUGH.
No more hating me, lots more loving me. Lots of other people love me, so why dont I.
I decided one morning that I was not going to give up, something amazing happened which i am not yet ready to talk about but it has changed my life, a stranger has basically touched my life in a away that i never thought was possible and since then i have been up and handling life as I should be.
OK so where to start....
The pain is not as bad in my neck the MRI showed that I have inflammtion in my vertebrae but that it should settle down soon, my depression is under control and I am feeling better than normal, however the noise in my head is still there but i am getting used to it, they think i have vibratory tinnitus.
I am up and about and doing things again. Not working yet but that is because i have had a lot of things to handle.
I had a really deep conversation with STUD one day and she told me the truth about myself as she knows me, which was very spot on, good and not so good, the conversation ended in her giving me some advice that was obvious but i had kept putting it off.... I needed to do a job that was giving back to society and the people in it. She suggested I look at youth support work and mentoring. Something inside me just clicked.....I felt elated and happy all at once and the following day I called the local councils adult education team and have an interview to train as a counsellor in january .....not only that I have contacted the Albert kennedy trust to see if I can help mentor and befriend any young people that maybe in crisis during my training they also train too.
I have also decided that looking at my own life as empty is very real but that is only because I have not felt like i am doing enough for others, when i evaluated everything in my life i realised that the signs have been there for many years that I should be working with young people. I just didnt get it, I got caught up and blinkered.
I have been meditating too and trying to find my centre and since then I have met amazing people and also things seem to be falling into place, the course interview is in two weeks. I have also met someone who is in that line of work and is one of the top child psychologists in the country and she has taken me under her wing as she is setting up a very specialist child centre in the UK and has asked if i would like to help out with some things and in return she will help guide me with my courses and hands on training when needed. More about her later ;)
Then yesterday, i got a letter in the post stating that i was to be at the hospital that day for a pre assesment for surgery... i thought NO WAY THIS IS A TYPING ERROR... i called them and it turns out that they only posted it on friday 14th and yes indeed i had to be there at 14:50 yesterday... so i rushed and got dressed and headed down there in shock..... i didnt think it was going to be so soon.
I got there and was assessed and all is well i went to the admissions department for an appointment for surgery and guess what.....They had a cancellation and I am having it done ..........on MONDAY 24th DEC. Yes MONDAY COMING... Oh my fucking GOODNESS!!
I was in no doubt i wanted that appointment, i am not bothered about it being xmas eve all the more reason to relax :)
So...... all is going well I am on a real HIGH not the manic kind the kind that makes you feel like everything is working out now....I have this stranger to thank as well as myself for getting things back in order and giving me hope again.
I am off to get my hair done, my eyebrows waxed, my legs done and pedicure/manicure and all this as I have a work xmas Do tomorrow that i have to attend, Life is good. Fate has brought me where I am today and I have to be grateful..... and thankful.
I wont ever give up again... I now know something i never knew before..... Faith inside is what keeps people going not the external faith in something that you cant see or prove.... God is inside each and everyone of us and sometimes we have to just LET GO and allow things to unfold and if that means that like me you have to shut yourself away, stop feeling, stop participating until you GET IT then so be it, i now know i had to have that "shut down" otherwise i would not have opened up to certain people in my life and got answers.
I would not have had the most intense conversation with my mother about faith, her special gift ( she is a psychic/medium) and my own fears and outlook on life, having THAT talk with her showed me that i made many assumptions about my mum and how she handles things... I assumed that she was not able to sort things, i assumed she was not able to advise me on anything i didnt know, i didnt ALLOW her to be a parent to me in my adult life......since i had this conversation with her i have not felt that pressure and worry about her, as i listened to her more and saw that she is not worried about life and has so much faith and her gift allows her to stay calm, i neednt worry so much about her.
I also wouldnt have met this stranger who has touched me in the most remarkable of ways i cannot describe. FATE does exist... i didnt really believe it before but now........i am blown away.
Since then I have cleaned my house from the ceiling to the floor, i have chucked old things that i was holding onto for sentimental reasons that i didnt need, i got rid of cards and gestures from Ex's, that emotionally was holding me back, i cleaned the ENTIRE Flat leaving no stone unturned, I threw out in one night 14 rubbish bags of old stuff that i didnt need, i have donated more than 50 books to charity, I have got on my hands and knees and scrubbed rugs and upholstery, thrown out old tins of paint, and everything and anything that i just didnt need any more and especially stuff that if i hadnt used it in a year then i would never use it....
Everything from papers to pins are neatly ordered into boxes and tubs labeled neatly. No cupboard has escaped me even the one under the sink and the junk cupboard outside... they are all gleaming with the smell of antibacterial spray and freshness......
I am making room in my life physically and emotionally for a new begining, for new people, for new potentials..... and the house is only a symbol of me..... emotionally i have let go of pain and disappointment in my past, i have released expectations of myself other than those to constantly be a good person to my self as well as others.... I have vowed to nurture myself and my own gifts and talents and .....ME... just being ME... and realising and acknowledging that being ME IS good enough.
My mum said to me the other day... faith is like a pet or a child... you have to nurture it, water it, feed it and give it constant love and affection to see it grow, then one day it will be strong enough to do what needs to be done,... THAT she said is Faith..... everytime you beat yourself up you are not nurturing you, FAITH is YOU. So when things dont go according to your plan unless you ahve nurtured Faith you wont feel the real effects of it to carry you through, much like looking not after your body and expecting it to perform at the drop of a hat.
I have liked that analogy and decided that I will no longer beat myself up about things but as long as i can say i made the best choice i could with what time and skills i had then.....that has to be enough. I HAVE TO BE ENOUGH.
No more hating me, lots more loving me. Lots of other people love me, so why dont I.