Well maybe a little about me might help, I'm a feminine inner city Lesbian, 29 years young Capricorn, oldest daughter and I have one sibling a younger brother who we will call 'G'. I have been a Lesbian all my life but took me till I was about 17/18 to conciously act on it.
I started this blog simply because I have a lot of things I would like to get off my chest about Life, Love and everything in between, so be patient with me as I try to remember to blog and be as honest and real as I am, warts and all.
Today I am finally at work, I freelance you see and well... the money comes slowly sometimes and rapidly at others, But first stop this morning was the hospital yet again. I guess I may as well tell you I am a trying to get pregnant and have been for two years now but only earlier this year was I referred to my local hospital for fertility treatment, and after a few 'Primary infertility' tests I was diagnosed as not ovulating and having fibroids as well as the most recently discovered Polycystic Ovaries ( PCOS).
As you may be able to imagine I am pretty gutted. So every month without fail for the past 3 months I have been taking the drug Clomid, which they have recently doubled from 50mg to 100mg and having internal scans, being prodded and poked and pricked, so now feeling well and truly "Tenderised" and fear I may turn into a "Mad Cow" before long.
Anyway today, being as dippy as I can be sometimes ( more stories on that aspect of me later) I left the house for work got half way to the tube station at 08:30am and realised I was supposed to be at the hospital for another blood test to see if my Progesterone levels have risen at all since last month, which I think was 20 and it should have been in the late 20's early 30's to be considered functioning.
Anyway the bus driver let me off at the lights and I marched all the way back home feeling really out of sorts and annoyed that I was now going to have to wait possibly 2 hours in the rather large queue at the hospital to have my blood taken. Whilst in the hopsital waiting area I passed the time surfing the net on my PDA and reading my latest book 'Affinity' by Sarah Waters.
Eventually I get out and just before I descend the steps into the underground I stop off in Tesco's for 'Brunch'.
Lets hope I don't have to do it all again next month, I tell ya it's quite exhausting this trying to get pregnant lark. Oh I suppose I should also tell you where I am getting the second main ingredient from!?....
Well about 2 years ago I was surfing the net and came across 'Rainbow Network' and saw they had a section of people advertising their desires to become 'Donors', 'Co-parents', 'Mothers' etc and I thought I would post an ad finally after thinking about this for over 5 years.
Well I was shocked at the responses, some where shall we say "Just wouldn't do's" others were just "Plain uglies" and the rest... after exchanging pics they only then wanted to....
"Do it the natural way"The reason being and I quote
" As it has far more chances of success"He was just trying to fuck and I tell you now it was NOT going to be this Duck.
Anyhoo, I persevered and was contacted by a delightful man, Asian in his 30's we talked for many months but he was just too far and the practicalities of it were not feasible so, I moved on and decided to reply to someone myself, and I found 'K' as he will be known.
He is Chinese, born here in the UK good looking, average height, good hairline, good teeth and bright eyes. He is in his mid thirties, in a stable committed Gay relationship of 13 years and he comes from a rather large family...by my standards anyway.
I like him because he has a really great sense of humour and is easy to talk to, calm, thoughtful and I know all this because during this time of unsuccessful tries we have become friends and got to know each other fairly well, also having discussed the all important issues such as, what role he will play, what our expectations/reservations are/were and issues like what our own childhoods were like and what our ideal discipline methods were and if they suited the other.
We then went on to be tested for everything including HIV and AIDS and waited for the results to come in from us both before I proceeded with the self insemination.
And now to bring you up to date, I have recently SI'd ( self inseminated) and now in my two week wait (TWW) to see if I have been successful this time, I am trying to be optimistic but it is hard after doing this for so long month after month, it's draining especially when you are going it alone.
I could go on for ever spurned on by the momentum of adrenalin at learning how to Blog but I won't, I will save some for another time.
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