Well, thought now is as good a time as any to update this thing.
feel very strange today i woke up fine a little tired but fine, i generally dont have a mood on for no reason, i am not one to "wake up on the wrong side of the bed" so when i got up this morning it was much the same as any other morning. I was ok got ont he tube fine and was even rocking to the music on my Mp3 player and assisted a blind man on his journey, but i step into work and a grey cloud hovers over head and i am not sure why.
The weekend was good I had a mate over on saturday whom i hadnt seen in about 2 years and we got pisshed on champagne and donoughts and a couple beers thrown in for good measure. I am such a light weight. WEnt to bed late after calling My girl and being a little silly she laughed and thougt it was funny...... Early days yet though LOL.
Sunday I took my ma to see Afrika Afrika!! at the O2 centre and she loved it it started at 7pm and finished about 10pm I was dead on my feet but really enjoyed the show, couldnt wait to get home though.
I am going to pull a sickie from work friday and monday so i can have extra days with special 'K'. Naughty I know but bollocks to it i deserve to. I have college tonight and have home work to do.
I am really looking froward to her coming I got a valentines card specially made for her and due to be delivered to her work place on the 13 or 14th, I didnt want to risk it being late so i have it due to be sent on the 12th just incase.
I have also started looking into legalities re the co parenting stuff just in case this year is the year, i have been told by one gifted person that I will have a baby girl and she is either due in september or i will concieve her in september. hmmm... not sure about that any way I ahve another appointment to see the specialist on the 10th of March so i look forward to that.
I have been doing alot of visualisations lately and hoping not to have to have surgery for my fibroids and that I am given the all clear to try again soon. I will let you know. I am also booked in to see a very good clairvoyant psychic on the 15th March so i will update on that.
I have also decided to look into whether or not i have gifts myself so i have enrolled on a psychic development course levels 1-3 so we will see what happens. I am not a guillable person and i am a healthy sceptic but i also think that it would be pretty arrogant of us to think that there is nothing else in life only what we can see and comprehend, we cant even undertsand the human brain so that surely tells us something.... we are no where near being able to understand the complexities of life and the potentials within the ones we have.
So much to the dismay and ridicule of others ( not my freind or fam thankfully) I am embarking on a journey that is not the norm but couldnt do me any harm. Special K is really supportive even though she doesnt understand it and is a little fearful of it, she thinks that I do have a special gift of some kind and that it can only help me learn more about me inthe long run anyway.
I am not interested in knowing the lottery numbers or being able to predict the death or life of others i wuld just like to be able to understand my own life and my place in it and also if there is life after this one, i may never know for sure but i am prepared to suspend my disbelief for a while just to be open to it and see what i get.
I believe we all have intuition/psychic ability just some peoples are stronger than others.
Anyway today i am feeling especially crabby but hopefully as the day goes on it will be better, I have also just become a mystery shopper and have my first assignment on wednesday so looking forward to that and also getting paid.
1 comment:
I thought all workplaces had a dark cloud looming overhead? Otherwise it wouldn't be "work"... lol
Skepticism is healthy, especially with the psychic world. I too believe we all have some innate abilities, but there is always room for errors...
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